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There are different recommended approaches to adopting a 4K production workflow that range from standing up an entirely new 4K environment to building a pilot or smaller environment to work with an existing environment Option 1-Build a New End-to-End 4K 60'' TV deals Environment Some fortunate customers will be able to build a new environment with end to end 4K capability - from ingest through delivery. This is a superb time to assess the entire workflow, from asset St managers to the complete content production and monetization lifecycle. Sizing for a fresh, end to end, 4K capable production environment is similar to specifying an HD production environment, with the caveat that the system will require fast and highly capable SAN Metadata Controllers, and enough FibreChannel storage and bandwidth scaled to serve all clients for the number and size of streams that are required for the most efficient editing. Option 2-Stand Up a Side-by-Side 4K Environment Th ef Another option is to simply stand up a new smaller 4K capable environment alongside an existing HD production environment. This smaller environment can realize all of the benefits of m ea to a true, collaborative workflow while sharing key assets and finished files with the existing environment Qu ex the for While it may be necessary to run additional FibreChannel or Ethernet networking to CO that Accommodate both the HD and 4K 60'' TV deals environment.
Key production workstations can mount both the HD and 4K SANS at the same time to ease productivity between the two environments as needed-and as the 4K environment grows, it can begin to displace the existing environment t over time StorNext Pro 4K m the Sta Nh ee decades d ey M trade app PMAln t a ls ng This approach is an excellent way to cost-effectively gain 4K 60'' TV deals production capability while maintaining existing HD productivity and is much easier to implement and allows editors are able to gain 4K experience and familiarity over time. er Quantum's StorNext Pro 4K solution was expressly designed to accommodate either of these approaches Either is the foundation for an entirely new environment, or a small contained yet fully 4K capable environment that can live alongside an existing production environment. The rise in popularity of 4K is having a dramatic impact on the media and entertainment landscape, affecting not only 4K production and viewing, but especially in content production. Every aspect of content production needs to be reviewed to ensure that from ingest, through editing and finishing, delivery and long-term asset monetization is fully optimized and able to keep up with the performance pressures of working with the much larger 4K/UHD file sizes.
While there remains a tremendous amount of existing HD production, getting ready for 4K with even a pilot or smaller side-by-side 4K environment will prepare you to develop highly efficient, competitive AK content. Adopting 4K production capability can be done in stages to minimize the impact to already existing HD production workflows, develop familiarity and best practices and ultimately scale to meet the largest needs and future challenges of 4K production and beyond.

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