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Advertising materíals for Apple review should be sent Apple reserves the right to withdraw permission to use the iPad App deals Store badges or Apple product images anytime their use is inconsistent with these guidelines or is otherwise deemed by Apple. appstoreadvertising@ apple.com Advertising includes any promotional communications that are part of a paid media buy, for example, TV spots, print ads, outdoor billboards, and other paid-for media. Submit all creative along Inappropriate Apple before publication or broadcast. Submit your Initial concept, storyboard or rough cut vía email as scribed below.
The Information in these guidelines is subject o change. Refer to the App Store Resource Center at iPad App deals http://developer.apple.com/appstore for updates Submission requirements Submit all correspondence in English and provide English localization of materials if necessary. Attach materials to an email message, provide login details to your secure FTP site, or use a password-protected web delivery service. Include the following information with your materials company name and app name as the App ID (the nine-digit unique identifier for your app and contact phone number Support 1OS Developer Program support is available at http://developer.apple.com/contact All materials containing custom photography or video of Apple products must be submitted and approved by Apple before publication or broadcast Legal requirements All materials must properly attribute every Apple trademark with the appropriate symbol and credit lines See www.apple.com/legal/trademarkfor more detailed legal requirements appear on iPad App deals Store, Apple Marketing review:
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